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All classes are held at my home in Jefferson City


Hop! Skip! Sing! (Ages 5-8)

In this class we sing a ton, play singing games, and listen to great music. The songs we learn include folk songs, playground games and dances that have been around for generations. It's a discovery-filled, joyful, no frills or special effects way to learn to read music and hear what's on the page before it's ever played or sung. The things we learn in this class will prepare students to both play instruments (or be better at the instruments they are already learning) and to sing or play in ensembles.

Class meets on Wednesdays (September 14-November 16) from 12:30-1:30 pm.

Tuition is $80 for a ten-week session.

Hop! Skip! Sing! (Ages 8-12)

In this class we sing a ton, play singing games, and listen to great music. The songs we learn include folk songs, playground games and dances that have been around for generations. It's a discovery-filled, joyful, no frills or special effects way to learn to read music and hear what's on the page before it's ever played or sung. The things we learn in this class will prepare students to both play instruments (or be better at the instruments they are already learning) and to sing or play in ensembles.

Class meets on Wednesdays (September 14-November 16) from 1:45-2:45 pm.

Tuition is $80 for a ten-week session.


​Musical Ideas: Found Sounds


This semester's class will center on found rhythms and melodies as we consider questions like, "How do the sounds around us influence and give meaning to our every day lives?" We'll explore how found sounds have influenced music both past and present. And we'll collect rhythms and melodies from our various environments, figure out ways to write them down, and compose our own songs.

Class meets on Wednesdays (September 14-November 16) from 3:00-4:30 pm.

Tuition is $90 for a ten-week session.


© 2024 River City Choirs - Jefferson City Home Educators

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